Gaming Day, Everyday!

I can’t believe that it’s been more than a year since our last post…and that was just a post telling you all about our newest blog.

Well here we are again, telling the world that we have started yet another blog. A new blog that, in my opinion, shows the most promise of all of our others thus far.

Tyler and I are still working together and on this blog we will be talking about all videogames, not just Minecraft. We’ll write reviews for games, discuss issues in today’s gaming culture, talk about the latest in gaming news, and more!

So far we have discussed the problems in the modern Resident Evil series and we also went over E3 and gave a summary of all the great games and news revealed there.

We would love it if you stopped by and checked out our latest blog. And if you like it, you can follow us and/or like our Facebook page! Thanks for being awesome and checking out The Block Brothers. Now go be even more awesome and check out…

Gaming Day, Everyday!


Gaming Day Everyday:

Resident Evil post:

E3 2014 Overview:

Jonah and Tyler’s Reflection on the 365

Hello everyone! Today we decided that it might be interesting to reflect upon the last year of blogging, write about some interesting points, and really just write about how, and more importantly, why we decided to write a blog about Minecraft and do a post every single day.


When Jonah and I first debated writing a blog about Minecraft, I wasn’t quite sure what to expect. I had been following his original blog, (that was originally aimed at his last year of high school but turned into his adventures in Minecraft) for quite a while and it was something I had been looking forward to reading. I had also been an avid fan of the Yogscast and had been playing Minecraft for some time then, and really wanted a way to express what I had learned, and to show others about the game that I cared about so much. Originally I had thought about doing videos, in like of others like the Yogscast or Capt. Sparklez, but quickly learned that you really need a strong computer for that. I was stuck about what to do, and when Jonah asked if I would like to help write about Minecraft, I jumped on the opportunity.

This past year has been a challenge to say the least. Although in the very beginning, over winter break I might add, making and brainstorming posts was an easy thing, over time it became more difficult to think of ideas. Where had all those ideas I had before I started this gone? Once school resumed, and Calculus as well, time became a scarce resource for both Jonah and I. If it wasn’t applying for scholarships, homework, or some other crap, it was a challenge dedicating the time to our blog. However, looking back on it now, I am glad that both Jonah and I continued this, as we have gained a following of fans and we are incredibly thankful of you guys. I would also like to take the time to thank Jonah, as if it wasn’t for him, none of this would have been possible. He is the real mastermind behind this blog. Nearly every change, whether the themes or polls, or even our fb page, he has been working much harder than I ever did on this blog. Thank you Jonah, for being so awesome, and writing posts when I really couldn’t.

I would have to say that although this was a difficult experience, it was also incredibly fun and rewarding. I had a great time taking the ideas of my own, and writing them for others to see. Having an excuse to play my favorite game was also nice as well. I became a much better writer as a result of this blog, and I will definitely bring my experience with me in my future.


I’ve  been blogging for about 2 years now. It has always been a rewarding experience, but this was different. This time it wasn’t for homework, it was about something that I was genuinely interested in, and it was interesting (I hope).

It is true that Tyler and I probably wouldn’t have become friends without Minecraft. It became a regular topic in our discussions, and eventually we talked about making this blog.

When I mentioned trying a 365 project, neither of us truly understood how much work it would entail. We pushed on though, determined to complete such a difficult task. Completing this project is something that I have looked forward to for months. I had always wanted to try something like this, but I never had the ambition, or the ability to do so on my own.

I cannot begin to explain how relieved I am that this project is over. I also can’t explain how sad I am, or how proud I am of Tyler and myself. This truly is something that many people can’t do, and we did it.

I wish we could get a trophy from WordPress for this, but I suppose not. But in a way, this blog is a permanent trophy for all the world to see. We set a goal, a difficult one, and we succeeded.

Thank you to Tyler, for helping out with the posts and being an awesome friend.

Thank you to Riley, for letting us use your server for a while and for also being awesome.

Thank you to my parents, for dealing with the fact that I am always on my computer playing Minecraft so that I can do posts.

Thank you to my boss, for not scheduling me for 20-30 hours a week.

Thank you to my professors, for not giving me so much homework to keep me from doing posts.

Thank you to Mojang for making a truly amazing (and horribly addicting) game.

And finally, thank you to our readers, for checking us out, commenting, following us, liking our posts, and being awesome people.


So, the 365 is over. Now what?

We will still write posts, but not every day. We plan on writing about 2-4 times per week, this will give us time to write really great posts. We haven’t developed a new schedule yet, but we are working on it.

To celebrate the completion of this project, and to give our brains a little break, we will be taking a week off from the blog. There will be no posts until January 8th, at the earliest.

We hope that you’ve enjoyed what you’ve seen from this blog. If you wish, you can follow us via e-mail or like us on Facebook.

This is Jonah and Tyler saying good night, thanks for reading, happy new year, and, of course…

Happy Mining.

It is done.

Tekkit Mansion Tour (334/365)

Hello everyone! I am going to try something different today. WordPress updated the way pictures/galleries work now (for the better). So, I am going to test out the new gallery feature. Let’s explain how this works.

Below you will see 10 pictures, and they should all be bunched together into a mosaic. The pictures go left to right and then down the line. Meaning the pictures show like this:

1             2

3             4

5             6


If you hover over the picture you will see the caption. Depending on how long the caption is, you might not see the whole thing. By clicking on one of the pictures you will enter a fullscreen slideshow basically. It will show a much larger form of the picture with the full caption. Plus you can click the arrows to go onto the next picture.

Here’s the thing. I am undecided about whether or not I prefer this method to the old one. So, please let me know what you think. Leave a comment with your opinion:

Should we continue showing pictures individually or should we use the gallery feature from now on?

Anyway, today I am showing off our new home in Tekkit. Last week, we showed our overall complex but today you are going to get an in-depth look at the house. Enjoy!


Please leave your opinion in the comments below, thanks for reading, and Happy Mining!